Atul Ltd 2021-22

149 Statutory Reports 24 - 109 Financial Statements 110 - 263 Corporate Overview 01 - 23 (` cr) Note 15 Other financial liabilities As at March 31, 2022 As at March 31, 2021 Current Non-current Current Non-current a) Employee benefits payable 59.50 - 55.56 - b) Security deposits 31.09 - 30.29 - c) Unclaimed dividends* 2.73 - 2.75 - d) Creditors for capital goods 34.51 - 32.90 - e) Other liabilities 1.91 2.73 1.65 2.53 129.74 2.73 123.15 2.53 *There is no amount due and outstanding to be credited to Investor Education and Protection Fund as at March 31, 2022. (` cr) Note 16 Provisions As at March 31, 2022 As at March 31, 2021 Current Non-current Current Non-current a) Provision for compensated absences 9.34 27.59 7.61 24.23 b) Others {refer i(b) and ii below} 36.22 - 29.26 - 45.56 27.59 36.87 24.23 i) Information about individual provisions and significant estimates a) Compensated absences: The Compensated absences cover the liability for sick and earned leave. Out of the total amount disclosed above, the amount of ` 9.34 cr (March 31, 2021: ` 7.61 cr) is presented as current since the Company does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement for any of these obligations. However, based on past experience, the Company does not expect all employees to take the full amount of accrued leave or require payment within the next 12 months. b) Others: Regulatory and other claims: The Company has provided for certain regulatory and other charges for which it has received claims. The provision represents the unpaid amount that it expects to incur | pay for which the obligating event has already arisen as on the reporting date. Effluent disposal: The Company has provided for expenses it estimates to incur for safe disposal of effluent in line with the regulatory framework it operates in. The provision represents the unpaid amount it expects to incur for which the obligating event has already arisen as on the reporting date. ii) Movements in provisions: (` cr) Particulars As at March 31, 2022 As at March 31, 2021 Regulatory and other claims Effluent disposal Regulatory and other claims Effluent disposal Balance as at the beginning of the year 25.59 3.67 26.67 1.95 Less: Utilised (0.02) (3.67) (1.08) (1.95) Provision made during the year 4.34 6.31 - 3.67 Balance as at the end of the year 29.91 6.31 25.59 3.67