Atul Ltd 2022-23

129 Standalone Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended on March 31, 2023 (` cr) Particulars 2022-23 2021-22 A CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Profit before tax 730.21 803.97 Adjustments for: Depreciation and amortisation expenses 162.85 146.48 Finance costs 2.12 2.94 Loss | (gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment (net ) (0.42) 2.32 Loss of property, plant and equipment due to fire 32.46 - Insurance claim approved (31.28) - Unrealised exchange rate difference (net ) 1.81 (2.40) Bad debts and irrecoverable balances written off | (written back) 1.59 (1.28) Allowance for doubtful debts 1.46 0.37 Dividend income (43.14) (8.52) Interest income (61.13) (28.99) Liabilities no longer required written back (3.14) (1.58) Gain on disposal of current investments measured at FVTPL (net ) (10.00) (23.70) Operating profit before change in operating assets and liabilities 783.39 889.61 Adjustments for: (Increase) | Decrease in inventories 53.40 (190.45) (Increase) | Decrease in non-current and current assets 188.67 (367.29) Increase | (Decrease) in non-current and current liabilities (116.07) 77.59 Cash generated from operations 909.39 409.46 Income tax paid (net of refund) (177.39) (192.44) Net cash flow from operating activities A 732.00 217.02 B CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Payments towards property, plant and equipment (including capital advances) (449.72) (297.12) Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 0.79 0.38 Proceeds from insurance claim 22.29 - Proceeds from sale of equity instruments measured at FVTOCI 22.04 1.78 Purchase of equity instruments measured at FVTOCI (20.18) (1.36) Redemption of | (Investment in) bonds measured at FVTPL 9.16 (90.55) Redemption of | (Investment in) of current investments measured at FVTPL (net) 377.50 202.71 Purchase of equity instruments of subsidiary companies measured at cost (56.67) (15.98) Repayments of loans given 41.33 39.96 Disbursements of loans (536.73) (384.02) Redemption of | (Investment in) bank deposits (net ) (0.03) 279.85 Interest received 49.55 30.67 Dividend received from subsidiary companies 24.50 - Dividend received from joint venture company 11.68 4.38 Dividend received from others 6.96 4.14 Net cash (used in) | flow from investing activities B (497.53) (225.16)