184 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2022-23 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2022-23 Atul Ltd Atul House G I Patel Marg Ahmedabad 380 014, Gujarat India Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2022-23 Reconnect | Reimagine | Regrow Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements ii) Finance lease The Company has given a building on finance lease for a term of 30 years and machines for a term of 10 years. F uture minimum lease payments receivable under finance leases, together with the present value of the net minimum lease payments (MLP), are as under: (` cr) Particulars As at March 31, 2023 As at March 31, 2022 MLP receivable Present value of MLP receivable MLP receivable Present value of MLP receivable Not later than one year 2.02 1.93 1.82 1.73 Later than one year and not later than five years 7.69 5.88 7.68 5.90 Later than five years 7.44 4.07 9.46 5.00 Total MLP receivable 17.15 11.89 18.96 12.63 Less: unearned finance income 5.26 - 6.33 - Present value of MLP receivable 11.89 11.89 12.63 12.63 Less: allowance for uncollectible lease payments - - 0.00 0.00 11.89 11.89 12.63 12.63 Note 29.13 Loans Disclosures pursuant to the Regulation 34(3) read with para A of Schedule V to the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 read with Section 186 (4) of the Companies Act, 2013. (` cr) Particulars Purpose Amount outstanding as at Maximum balance during the year March 31, 2023 March 31, 2022 2022-23 2021-22 i) Subsidiary companies: Atul Bioscience Ltd For working capital, operational, project expenditure requirement and purchase of the manufacturing facility at Ambernath 54.55 54.06 58.56 54.06 Atul Products Ltd For project expenditure requirement 760.45 253.40 760.45 253.40 Atul Rajasthan Date Palms Ltd For working capital 4.00 - 4.00 - ii) Joint operation of subsidiary company: Anaven LLP For working capital, operational and project expenditure requirement 53.98 68.28 70.75 93.85 Notes: a) Loans given to employees as per the policy of the Company are not considered. b) The loanees did not hold any shares in the share capital of the Company. Note 29.12 Leases (continued)