Atul Ltd 2022-23

25 immensely benefited from his knowledge, experience and expertise in the last 41 years. T he Board places on record its deep appreciation for their valuable contribution through sustained involvement, critical analysis and valuable guidance. iii) Subject to the approval of the members in the AGM: a) Mr Sunil Lalbhai was reappointed by the Board as the Chairman and Managing Director effective July 01, 2024, for a period of five years. b) Mr Rangaswamy Iyer was appointed as an Independent Director effective May 01, 2023, for a period of five years. In the opinion of the Board, Mr Iyer possesses knowledge, experience and expertise relevant to the Company. 16.2. Policy on appointment and remuneration is displayed on the website of the Company at The salient features of the Policy are as under: 16.2.1. Appointment While recommending the appointment of Directors, the Nomination and Remuneration Committee considers the following factors: i) Qualification: well-educated and experienced in senior leadership positions in industry | profession ii) Trait: positive attributes and qualities iii) Independence: criteria prescribed in Section 149(6) of the Act for the Independent Directors, including no pecuniary interest and conflict of interest 16.2.2. Remuneration of the Non-executive Directors i) Sitting fees: up to ` 35,000 for attending a Board, Committee and any other meeting ii) Commission: up to 1% of net profit as may be decided by the Board based on the following factors: a) Membership of committee(s) b) Profit c) Attendance d) Category (Independent or Non-executive) 16.2.3. Remuneration of the Executive Directors This is given under para number 17.2. 16.3. Criteria and method of the annual evaluation 16.3.1. The criteria for evaluation of the performance of i) the Executive Directors, ii) the Non-executive Director (other than Independent Directors), iii) the Independent Directors, iv) the Chairman, v) the Committees of the Board and vi) the Board as a whole are summarised in the table at the end of the Directors’ Report on page number 27. 16.3.2.The Independent Directors have carried out annual: i) review of the performance of the Executive Directors ii) review of the performance of the Non-executive Director (other than Independent Directors) iii) review of the performance of the Chairman and assessment of quality, quantity and timeliness of the flow of information to the Board iv) review of the performance of the Board as a whole 16.3.3. The Board has carried out an annual evaluation of the performance of: i) its committees, namely, Audit, Corporate Social Responsibility, Investment, Nomination and Remuneration, Risk Management and Stakeholders Relationship ii) the Independent Directors The templates for the above purpose were circulated in advance for feedback from the Directors. 16.4. Familiarisation programs for the Independent Directors The Company has familiarisation programs for its Independent Directors. It comprises, amongst others, presentations by and discussions with the Senior Management on the nature of the industries in which it operates, its vision and strategy, its organisation structure, and relevant regulatory changes. A visit is organised to one or more of its manufacturing sites. Details of the familiarisation programs are also available at 17. Key managerial personnel and other employees 17.1. Appointments and cessations of the Key Managerial Personnel There were no appointments | cessations of the Key Managerial Personnel during 2022-23. 17.2. Remuneration The Remuneration Policy of the Key Managerial Personnel and other employees consists of the following: