Atul Ltd 2022-23

• Incurred the highest capital expenditure of around ` 900 cr (including Group entities) • Achieved the highest annual sales, crossed the ` 5,000 cr mark • Took 40 initiatives under six programs of national importance via Atul Foundation Revisiting 2022-23 World economy* grew by 3.40% Crude oil, steel prices and forex rates remained unpredictable and varied between ` 83.20 and ` 76.09 per US$ ` ` 57 and ` 86 per kg US$ 71.03 and US$ 129.20 per barrel USA US$ 25.46 tn 2.10% Latin America, Caribbean US$ 5.76 tn 4.00% Africa US$ 2.97 tn 3.80% EU US$ 14.13 tn 3.50% India US$ 3.39 tn 6.80% China US$ 18.10 tn 3.00% Japan US$ 4.23 tn 1.10% Australia US$ 1.70 tn 3.70% *Calendar year 2022 for all except India where the year is April 2022 to March 2023 Source: IMF report, January 2023 Atul sustained external challenges Atul Bioscience Ltd (` cr) Atul shareholding: 100% DPD Ltd (` cr) Atul shareholding: 98% (` cr) Rudolf Atul Chemicals Ltd Atul shareholding: 50% 76 14 104 13 105 142 126 158 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 (2) (3) 5 (7) Sales Profit before tax 21 5 23 4 21 6 38 13 47 20 41 16 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 Sales Profit before tax Sales Profit before tax 17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 73 14 83 15 81 13 89 19 121 22 111 11 1