33 3.4. Impact assessment: not applicable 3.5. CSR obligation: (` lakhs) a) Average net profit of the Company as per Section 135(5) 79,062.00 b) 2% of average net profit of the Company as per Section 135(5) 1,581.24 c) Surplus arising out of the CSR projects or programs or activities of the previous financial years Nil d) Amount required to be set-off for the financial year Nil e) Total CSR obligation for the financial year [b) + c) - d)] 1,581.24 3.6. a) Details of amount spent (ongoing projects and other than ongoing projects) for the financial year: ` 1,508.74 b) Amount spent on administrative overheads: ` 74.20 lakhs c) Amount spent on impact assessment: nil d) Total amount spent for the financial year [a)+b)+c)]: ` 1,582.94 lakhs e) CSR amount spent or unspent for the financial year: (` lakhs) Amount unspent Total amount spent for the financial year Total amount transferred to the Unspent CSR Account as per Section 135(6) Amount transferred to any fund specified under Schedule VII as per the second proviso to Section 135(5) Amount Date of transfer Name of the fund Amount Date of transfer 1,582.94 Nil NA NA - NA NA: not applicable f) Excess amount for set-off, if any: (` lakhs) No. Particulars Amount (i) 2% of average net profit of the Company as per Section 135(5) 1,581.24 (ii) Total amount spent for the financial year 1,582.94 (iii) Excess amount spent for the financial year [(ii)-(i)] 1.70* (iv) Surplus arising out of the CSR projects or programs or activities of the previous financial years NIl (v) Amount available for set-off in succeeding financial years [(iii)-(iv)] NIl *Being a small amount, no set-off is considered 3.7. Details of the unspent CSR amount for the preceding three financial years: No. Preceding financial year Amount transferred to the Unspent CSR Account under Section 135 (6) Amount in Unspent CSR Account under Section 135(6) Amount spent in the financial year Amount transferred to any fund specified under Schedule VII as per Section 135(5), if any Amount remaining to be spent in succeeding financial years Deficiency, if any Amount Date of transfer 1. 2021-22 434.76 - 434.76 NA NA Nil -