Atul Ltd 2022-23

08. Waste management 2022-23 2022-23 2022-23 2021-22 2021-22 2021-22 Plastic waste (A) 510.30 381.00 E-waste (B) - 920 numbers Bio-medical waste (C) 0.60 0.67 Construction and demolition waste (D) - - Battery waste (E) 173 numbers 248 numbers Radioactive waste (F) - - Other hazardous waste (G) 1,22,818.74 64,497.90 Other non-hazardous waste (H) 41,979.41 80,690.84 Waste generated (in metric tons) (i) Recycled 1,15,310.67 1,39,655.84 (ii) Reused - - (iii) Other recovery operations - - Total 1,15,310.67 1,39,655.84 Waste recovered through recycling, re-using or other recovery operations (in metric tons) (i) Incineration 205.30 0.67 (ii) Landfilling 7,813.67 5,914.00 (iii) Other disposal operations - - Total 8,018.97 5,914.67 Waste disposed by nature of disposal method (in metric tons) Independent assessment | evaluation | assurance by an external agency No assessment | evaluation | assurance has been carried out by an external agency 90 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2022-23 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2022-23 Atul Ltd Atul House G I Patel Marg Ahmedabad 380 014, Gujarat India Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2022-23 Reconnect | Reimagine | Regrow Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements