Atul Ltd 2021-22

77 Corporate Overview 01 - 23 Statutory Reports 24 - 109 Financial Statements 110 - 263 Principle 2: Businesses will provide goods and services in a manner that is sustainable and safe. Essential indicators 1. Percentage of research and development (R&D) spent and capital expenditure (CAPEX) in specific technologies to improve environmental and social impacts of products and processes to total R&D spent and CAPEX, respectively: Type 2021-22 2020-21 Improvements in social and environmental aspects R&D spent 15% 11% • decrease in consumption of solvents • decrease in consumption of water • increase in yield in six products CAPEX 26% 19% • collection and scrubbing of hydrochloric acid • conversion of two of the four treatment facilities at Atul site to zero liquid discharge • installation of dust suppression system in boiler • treatment of boiler blow-down by nano filtration 2. a) Procedures for sustainable sourcing: The Company has procedures in place for sustainable sourcing. The URL to its responsible sourcing policy is: b) Percentage of inputs sourced sustainably: 91% 3. Processes to safely reclaim products for reusing, recycling and disposing of at the end of life, for a) plastics (including packaging), b) e-waste, c) hazardous waste and d) other waste: The Company follows the applicable processes laid down by the regulatory authorities. 4. Applicability of extended producer responsibility (EPR) to the activities of the Company and whether the waste collection plan is in line with EPR plan submitted to Pollution Control Boards: EPR is applicable to the activities of the Company and the waste collection plan is in line with the EPR plan submitted to the Central Pollution Control Board. Leadership indicators 1. Life cycle perspective | assessment (LCA) for products: The Businesses periodically undertake LCA. 2. Significant social or environmental concerns and | or risks arising from production or disposal of products identified in LCA or through any other means and their mitigation: There were no significant social or environmental concerns and | or risks arising from production or disposal of products. 3. Recycled or reused input material to total material (by value) used in production (for manufacturing industry) or providing services (for service industry): The Company has in-house facilities to recycle its waste and is continuously striving to maximise it. At present, it is recycling 6.94% of its waste. 4. Products and packaging reclaimed at end of life of products and reused, recycled, and safely disposed (in metric tonnes): 2021-22 2020-21 Reused Recycled Safely disposed Reused Recycled Safely disposed Plastics (including packaging) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil E-waste Hazardous waste Other waste