146 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2022-23 Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2022-23 Atul Ltd Atul House G I Patel Marg Ahmedabad 380 014, Gujarat India Atul Ltd | Annual Report 2022-23 Reconnect | Reimagine | Regrow Corporate Overview Statutory Reports Financial Statements Note 5.1 Investments in subsidiary companies and joint venture company Face value1 As at March 31, 2023 As at March 31, 2022 Number of shares Amount (` cr) Number of shares Amount (` cr) a) Investment in equity instruments (fully paid-up) Subsidiary companies | joint venture company measured at cost Quoted In subsidiary company measured at cost Amal Ltd2, 3 10 1,70,130 18.82 1,29,703 18.13 Unquoted In foreign subsidiary companies measured at cost Atul Brasil Quimicos Ltda R$ 1 7,04,711 2.03 7,04,711 2.03 Atul China Ltd US$ 4,10,000 1 0.92 1 0.92 Atul Deutschland GmbH € 1,00,000 1 - 1 - Atul Europe Ltd £ 1 32,88,911 24.14 32,88,911 24.14 Atul Middle East FZ-LLC AED 1,000 300 0.51 300 0.51 Atul USA Inc US$ 1,000 2,000 6.29 2,000 6.29 In Indian subsidiary companies measured at cost Aasthan Dates Ltd 10 20,98,000 2.10 20,98,000 2.10 Anchor Adhesives Pvt Ltd 10 5,86,155 2.28 5,86,155 2.28 Atul Bioscience Ltd 10 2,90,21,868 52.57 2,90,21,868 52.57 Atul Biospace Ltd 10 1,10,30,365 13.36 1,10,30,365 13.36 Atul Finserv Ltd 100 46,09,600 142.45 40,56,671 107.13 7 5,00,000 5.00 5,00,000 5.00 Atul Healthcare Ltd2 10 22,67,000 22.77 99,994 0.10 Atul Lifescience Ltd 10 4,994 0.00 4,994 0.00 Atul Products Ltd 10 49,99,994 5.00 49,99,994 5.00 Atul Rajasthan Date Palms Ltd 1,000 30,001 3.00 30,001 3.00 Biyaban Agri Ltd 10 10,91,100 1.09 10,91,100 1.09 Raja Dates Ltd 10 40,95,500 4.10 40,95,500 4.10 In joint venture company measured at cost Rudolf Atul Chemicals Ltd 10 29,18,750 6.13 29,18,750 6.13 b) Investment in preference shares (fully paid-up) Subsidiary company measured at amortised cost Unquoted Amal Ltd (0% redeemable preference shares) 10 - - 20,00,000 1.81 312.56 255.69