Atul Ltd 2022-23

147 Note 5.2 Other investments Face value1 As at March 31, 2023 As at March 31, 2022 Number of shares Amount (` cr) Number of shares Amount (` cr) a) Investment in equity instruments (fully paid-up) Other companies measured at FVTOCI Quoted Arvind Fashions Ltd 4 15,96,105 44.64 15,96,105 45.31 Arvind Ltd 10 41,27,471 35.08 41,27,471 47.65 Arvind SmartSpaces Ltd 10 4,12,747 11.66 4,12,747 8.46 BASF India Ltd 10 2,61,396 59.48 2,61,396 80.85 ICICI Bank Ltd 2 1,09,026 9.56 1,09,026 7.96 Novartis India Ltd 5 3,74,627 21.12 3,74,627 22.12 Pfizer Ltd 10 9,58,927 332.47 9,58,927 416.96 The Anup Engineering Ltd 10 1,52,869 15.31 1,52,869 12.14 Unquoted Bhadreshwar Vidyut Pvt Ltd4 0.19 7,95,000 - 7,95,000 0.02 BEIL Infrastructure Ltd (formerly known as Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd) 10 70,000 0.07 70,000 0.07 Narmada Clean Tech (formerly known as Narmada Clean Tech Ltd) 10 7,15,272 0.72 7,15,272 0.72 b) Investment in government or trust securities measured at amortised cost 6 Years National Savings Certificates (deposited with government departments) - 0.01 - 0.01 c) Investment in bonds measured at FVTPL (quoted) - 112.74 - 113.11 642.86 755.38 (` cr) Note 5.3 Current investment As at March 31, 2023 As at March 31, 2022 Unquoted Investment in mutual funds measured at FVTPL 172.42 539.54 172.42 539.54 Aggregate amount of investments and market value thereof: (` cr) Particulars As at March 31, 2023 As at March 31, 2022 Aggregate carrying value of quoted investments3 660.88 772.69 Aggregate market value of quoted investments 645.15 759.90 Aggregate carrying value of unquoted investments 466.96 777.92 Aggregate amount of impairment in value of investments - - ¹In ` and fully paid unless otherwise stated | 2Subsidiary company by virtue of control | 3Book value includes equity component of ` 18.12 cr (March 31, 2022: ` 18.12 cr) recognised on 0% preference shares and interest free loans given to Amal Ltd carried at amortised cost | 4Under liquidation.