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Found 2 results for Chick pea

Lepto - Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG

An insecticide of biological origin used to control lepidopteran pests, with stomach action. The product is most effective when ingested by larvae. The affected larva gets paralysed, stops feeding shortly thereafter and and is killed within 2-4 days.

Crop: Brinjal, Cabbage, Chick pea, Chilli, Cotton, Grapes, Okra, Pigeon pea, Tea

Product group: Insecticides

Synonyms: Lepto; Emamectin

Xylo-5 - Lambda cyhalothrin 5% EC

A pyrethroid insecticide that acts by contact and stomach action. The product controls sucking and lepidopteron pests in various crops.

Crop: Brinjal, Chick pea, Chilli, Cotton, Groundnut, Mango, Okra, Onion, Paddy, Pigeon pea, Tomato

Product group: Insecticides

Synonyms: Xylo-5; Lambda; Lambda-cyhalothrin


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