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Found 7 results for Groundnut

Albu - Propiconazole 25% EC

A systemic foliar fungicide of the Triazole group with protective and curative action used to control broad spectrum fungal diseases in various field crops and fruits.

Crop: Groundnut, Paddy, Soybean, Tea, Wheat

Product group: Fungicides

Synonyms: Albu; Propiconazole

Mintho - Carbendazim 50% WP

A broad spectrum systemic fungicide of the Benzimidazole group used to control a range of diseases in various crops, with its protective and curative action.

Crop: Apple, Brinjal, Cotton, Grapes, Groundnut, Paddy, Peas, Wheat

Product group: Fungicides

Synonyms: Mintho; Carbendazim

Riper - Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP

A broad spectrum systemic and contact fungicide with protective and curative action used as foliar spray to control a wide range of fungal diseases in various crops. The product is also used for seed treatment.

Crop: Grapes, Groundnut, Mango, Paddy, Potato, Tea

Product group: Fungicides

Synonyms: Riper; Carbendazim 1 + Mancozeb

Satrix - Imazethapyr 10% SL

A herbicide of the Imidazolinone group used as an early post-emergence herbicide to control selective broad-leaved and grassy weeds in soybean and groundnut.

Crop: Groundnut, Soybean

Product group: Herbicides

Synonyms: Satrix; Soybean imazethapyr

Villo - Sulphur 80% WP

An inorganic contact fungicide with protective action and acaricidal activity. The product is recommended for controlling powdery mildews in various crops.

Crop: Apple, Chilli, Citrus fruit, Grapes, Groundnut, Mango, Okra, Tea

Product group: Fungicides

Synonyms: Villo; Sulphur

Xantho - Hexaconazole 5% EC

A systemic fungicide with protective and curative action used to control broad spectrum fungal diseases in various field crops and fruits.

Crop: Apple, Grapes, Groundnut, Mango, Paddy, Soybean, Tea

Product group: Fungicides

Synonyms: Xantho; Hexaconazole

Xylo-5 - Lambda cyhalothrin 5% EC

A pyrethroid insecticide that acts by contact and stomach action. The product controls sucking and lepidopteron pests in various crops.

Crop: Brinjal, Chick pea, Chilli, Cotton, Groundnut, Mango, Okra, Onion, Paddy, Pigeon pea, Tomato

Product group: Insecticides

Synonyms: Xylo-5; Lambda; Lambda-cyhalothrin


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