Crop Protection - Retail

Rootpearl GR

Carrier-based Consortia

Mode of action: Nitrogen fixation, Phosphorous solubilization and Potassium mbilisation

Product group: Biostimulants

Technical name:

crops dose/acre
All crops 1-2 kg

▸ Synthesises atmospheric nitrogen, solubilizes phosphate and potash for balanced crop nutrition
▸ Supports healthy root and vegetative development
▸ Improves soil texture and structure for better air and water movement
▸ Suppresses pathogenic organisms, thus protects roots from diseases
▸ Stimulates microbial activity for enhanced soil fertility
▸ Enhances immune system and drought tolerance in plants
▸ Increases nutrient uptake efficiency for higher yield
▸ Cost-effective alternative to synthetic fertilisers and pesticides

Available pack sizes: 1 kg


Disclaimer: Usage of the product is beyond our control and the product performance varies from crop pattern to soil pattern, method of application, climatic conditions, quality of water used for irrigation, and therefore we cannot assure any liability other than the uniform quality of the product.


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