Crop Protection – Retail

Providing farmers with crop care solutions for all major crops grown in India,
such as cotton, paddy, pulses, sugarcane, wheat and a range of fruits and vegetables
Key initiatives

Serving a network of 2 million farmers in India through 2,000+ distributors

Providing solutions to farmers with a technically qualified team to increase productivity

Offering cost effective crop care solutions through quality products to improve yield

Focus on R&D with a world class NABL accredited laboratory

Indigenous manufacturer of key crop protection active ingredients such as 2,4-D, Sulfonylureas, Clodinafop propargyl and Indoxacarb

Offering ~50 brands of crop care products comprising
herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and plant growth regulators | bio-stimulants
Providing sustainable farming solutions and bringing directly to the farmers the same quality products
trusted by all major crop protection producers across the world for over seven decades

Our Businesses

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