A trichromatic reddish yellow dye with good light fastness properties.
A trichromatic reddish yellow dye with good light fastness properties.
A bright greenish yellow dye with good light fastness properties.
A trichromatic blue dye with good light fastness properties.
A turquoise dye with good build-up properties.
A high light fast trichromatic red dye used in light shades.
A bluish red dye used in trichromatic combinations.
A bright greenish yellow dye with good light fastness properties.
A redder violet dye with good build-up properties.
A bright orange dye with good Chlorine fastness properties. The product is used in combination with TULACTIV Brilliant Red M-5B and Brilliant Red M-8B to develop full reds and scarlets.
A brilliant yellow dye with excellent all round fastness properties in full shade.
A brilliant yellow dye with good light fastness properties used in combination with TULACTIV Turquoise MGN to produce bright green shades.
A bright orange dye with good light fastness and levelling properties. The product is equivalent in brightness to a Reactive dye. It show minimum shade change when used with flame retardants. The product is available in the Micro disperse variety.
An economical black dye with high tinctorial strength, good light and Chlorine fastness properties. The product, after conventional oxidation with Peroxide gives a bottle green shade that turns into a full blooming black shade when treated with cold Sodium hypochlorite…
An olive dye used in combination with NOVATIC Yellow 3R, Gold Orange 3G, Red 3B,Brown R and Brown G. It requires thorough soaping to obtain a stable shade. It is sensitive to heat and water spotting. It is available in…
A direct dyeable black with good light, bleaching and wash fastness properties. The product is only recommended for deep black shades. It is available in Microperle and Micro disperse varieties.
A navy blue dye, fast to water spotting and ironing. The product is used in coloration of workwear, institutional wear, laundered goods and home furnishings. It shows minimum shade change when used with flame retardants. It is available in Microperle…
A bluish grey dye with high tinctorial strength and good light fastness properties. The product is sensitive to water spotting. It can be combined with NOVATIC Brown BR, Yellow 5G and Green XBN. It is available in Micro disperse, Microperle,…
A neutral grey dye that requires a good levelling agent for better levelness properties. The product requires thorough soaping to obtain a stable shade. It is available in Microperle, Acra and Micro disperse varieties.
A green dye used for coloration of fabrics for institutional wear. The product is available in Microperle and Micro disperse varieties.
A standard mid-brown used for yarn and piece dyeing with good fastness and levelling properties. The product is compatible with NOVATIC Orange 3G, Olive R and Brown RN. It is available in Microperle and Micro disperse varieties.
A redder brown dye used for coffee brown, terracotta, maroon and black shades. The product is suitable for all Exhaust applications. The product is suitable for bleach fast styles and laundered goods. It is available in Microperle and Micro disperse…
An olive green dye with good light fastness properties used for coloration of institutional wear. The product requires thorough soaping to obtain a stable shade. It is available in Microperle, Acra and Pure and Micro disperse varieties.
A greener navy dye used for coloration of workwear and institutional wear. The product is suitable for Exhaust and Continuous applications. It shows minimum shade change when used with flame retardants. It is available in Microperle. Pure and Micro disperse…
An economical navy dye used for various shades of dark blue, navy and black. The product is suitable for dyeing fabrics for institutional and leaisure wear. The product is generally used in combination with NOVATIC Jade Green XBN and Blue…
An economical dye with high tinctorial strength and good fastness properties. The product is suitable for laundered goods and home furnishings. It is sensitive to Calcium and is prone to over reduction. It is available in Microperle and Micro disperse…
An economical navy dye used to develop various shades of dark blue, navy and black. The product is particularly used for coloration of fabric for institutional wear. It is generally used in combination with NOVATIC Jade Green XBN and Blue…
A bright blue dye used for coloration of linen and fabric for cotton shirting and workwear. The product is available in Microperle and Micro disperse varieties.
A bright blue dye used on cotton and in linen shirting. The product has fastness properties similar to Blue BC. It is available in Microperle and Micro disperse varieties.
A bright blue dye primarily used in dyeing of cotton handloom yarns for towels, shirting fabric and leisure wear. The product is sensitive to Calcium and high temperature. Sodium nitrite or glucose must be added to the dye bath for…
A bright blue dye used in combination with NOVATIC Jade Green XBN and Blue BC for Exhaust application, particularly in Manual and Jigger dyeing machines. The product is used by the Handloom industry for leisure wear and towels. It is…
A violet dye used in combination with NOVATIC Blue BC for Chlorine-fast brilliant blue shades. The product has a rapid dyeing rate and hence, semi-pigmentation method is preferred to ensure level dyeing. Dyeings are sensitive to water spotting. It is…
A bright violet dye particularly used in leisure wear and saris. The product is available in Microperle, Acra, Pure and Micro disperse varieties.
A red violet dye used for various shades of violet. The product is used for coloration of fabric for women wear. It is available in Megaperle, Acra and Micro disperse varieties.
A bluish red dye used in colouration of workwear and institutional wear. The product requires thorough soaping to obtain a stable shade. It is available in Microperle and Micro disperse varieties.
A dull yellowish red dye with good all round fastness properties. The product is available in Microperle and Micro disperse varieties.
A bright orange dye used in combination with NOVATIC Red 3B to develop bright orange to red shades. The product is available in Microperle, Pure and Micro disperse varieties.
A lemon yellow dye used in combination with Jade Green XBN, Blue BC and Gold Orange 3G for Exhaust application. The product is available in Microperle, Pure and Micro disperse varieties.
A broad spectrum fungicide used to control a range of fungal diseases. The product has strong protective and curative properties, providing flexibility and a broad window for application.
A systemic fungicide with protective and curative action. The product is effective against a range of fungal diseases in various crops.
A non-systemic fungicide with antibiotic action, most effective against sheath blight in paddy.
A broad spectrum systemic and contact fungicide with protective and curative action used as foliar spray to control a wide range of fungal diseases in various crops. The product is also used for seed treatment.
A systemic fungicide with protective and curative action, absorbed by leaves and roots with translocation acropetally and basipetally. The product is recommended to control blast in paddy.
A systemic foliar fungicide of the Triazole group with protective and curative action used to control broad spectrum fungal diseases in various field crops and fruits.
A systemic fungicide with protective and curative action used to control broad spectrum fungal diseases in various field crops and fruits.
An insecticide of biological origin used to control lepidopteran pests, with stomach action. The product is most effective when ingested by larvae. The affected larva gets paralysed, stops feeding shortly thereafter and and is killed within 2-4 days.
An insecticide of the Thiourea group, acts as an insecticide and acaricide by contact and stomach action. The product also shows some ovicidal action. It is used to control whitefly and other sucking pests as well as mites in various…
An insecticide of the Neonicotinoid group with contact and stomach action effective against a range of sucking pests through its systemic activity in various crops.
An insect growth regulator insecticide with contact and stomach action that inhibits moulting of nymphs and larvae, leading to their death. The product controls brown plant hopper, green leaf hopper, white backed plant hopper in paddy and sucking pests in…
A broad spectrum insecticide of the Organophosphorus group used to control a range of chewing and sucking insects in cotton, paddy and sunflower.
A broad spectrum systemic insecticide of the Phenylpyrazole group which acts by contact and ingestion. The product controls lepidopteron and sucking pests in various crops. It is used for foliar application.
A broad spectrum systemic insecticide of the Phenylpyrazole group which acts by contact and ingestion. The product controls stem borer and leaf folder in paddy and borers in sugarcane. It is used for soil application.
A broad spectrum systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. The product controls stem borer and leaf folder in paddy.
A systemic insecticide of the Neonicotinoid group that exhibits contact and stomach action. The product effectively controls sucking insects in various crops.
An insecticide of the Neonicotinoid group that exhibits contact, stomach and systemic activity. The product effectively controls sucking pests in a range of crops.
A pyrethroid insecticide that acts by contact and stomach action. The product controls sucking and lepidopteron pests in various crops.
A broad spectrum contact and stomach insecticide used to control lepidopteron pests in various crops and is active at low dose rates. The product is safe for beneficial insects in cotton and cabbage.
A systemic and residual herbicide used to control annual broad-leaved weeds and grasses in wheat and soybean.
A herbicide of the Imidazolinone group used as an early post-emergence herbicide to control selective broad-leaved and grassy weeds in soybean and groundnut.
A selective post-emergence herbicide used to control narrow-leaved weeds in soybean, paddy, black gram and cotton crops.
A herbicide of the Sulfonylurea group used to control sedges and broad-leaved weeds in paddy.
A herbicide of the Sulfonylurea group used for selective, systemic and post-emergence control of weeds in transplanted paddy and soybean. The product works at a low dosage of 15 g|acre and effectively controls most major broad-leaved weeds and sedges in…
A non-selective, post-emergence herbicide absorbed by foliage and translocated throughout a plant. The product controls annual and perennial grassy and broad-leaved weeds in tea and non-crop areas.
A non-selective, post-emergence herbicide absorbed by foliage and translocated throughout a plant. The product is used to control annual and perennial grassy and broad-leaved weeds in tea and non-crop areas.
A pre-emergence herbicide used to control grassy and broad-leaved weeds in transplanted paddy.
A post-emergence herbicide that effectively controls grassy weeds such as Phalaris minor, particularly in wheat.
A herbicide of the Sulfonylurea group for postemergence control of weeds like Phalaris minor, Chenopodium species and Melilotus alba in wheat.
A herbicide of the Sulfonylurea group for post-emergence control of broad-leaved weeds in paddy, wheat, sugarcane.
A selective and systemic post-emergence herbicide used to control annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds in tea.
A selective and systemic post-emergence herbicide used to control annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds in a range of crops.
A selective and systemic post-emergence herbicide used to control annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds in a range of crops.
A white to yellow solid used as an intermediate for Atazanavir, an API.
A white to off white powder used as an intermediate for APIs such as Ampicillin, Cephalexine, Cephradine and Velpatasvir.
A white to off white powder used as an intermediate in Cefoperazone, an API.
A clear to greyish liquid used as an intermediate for specialty chemicals.
An intermediate that is used to manufacture Diclofenac. Diclofenac is used as a pain killer.
An intermediate that is used to manufacture Triclosan. The product is an ingredient in toothpaste, soaps and detergents.
An intermediate that is used as a burning rate moderator and stabiliser in explosives.
An intermediate that is used to manufacture 2,4-D Acid.
An intermediate that is used to manufacture various amine formulations of 2,4-D.
An intermediate that is used to manufacture various amine formulations of 2,4-D.
An intermediate that is used to manufacture Prochloraz, a fungicide.
A broad spectrum post-emergence herbicide that effectively controls weeds in rice.
A systemic fungicide that is effective against diseases such as blister blight in tea, karnal bunt, leaf spot, rust in groundnut and wheat and sheath blight in rice.
A systemic fungicide to control blast disease in rice.
A Dithiolane systemic fungicide that belongs to the Heterocyclic group and is used to control rot and blast disease.
A systemic fungicide that is used to control scab in apple, tikka leaf spot in groundnut, powdery mildew in mango and blast and sheath blight in rice.
A broad spectrum systemic fungicide of the Triazole group that is used to control fungi such as Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes.
A systemic insecticide that is used to control pests such as bedbugs, cockroaches and flies.
A carbamate non-systemic insecticide that acts on insects by reversibly inactivating the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, with a quick knockdown and a long residual effect. The product controls household pests and fleas. It can also be used as a molluscicide.
A broad spectrum systemic insecticide that is used to control stem borer, gall midge, leaf folder, brown plant hopper, white backed plant hopper, green leaf hopper and thrips in rice.
A systemic insecticide of the Neonicotinoid group that is a contact and stomach insecticide. The product has broad spectrum activity against several insects. It is widely used in agriculture and horticulture.
A systemic broad-spectrum insecticide that is used to control sucking insects such as aphids, beetles, rice hopper, termites, soil insect, thrips, turf insect, and white flies.
A systemic insecticide that is used as a foliar spray to control sucking pests in various crops.
A systemic insecticide of the Neonicotinoid group that is a stomach and contact insecticide, acting on the central nervous system of pests. The product is widely used to control pests in agriculture and horticulture, treat termites and protect trees from…
A systemic insecticide that is used to control diamond back moth in cabbage, thrips, aphids and fruit borers in chillies, borers and hoppers in rice and shoot and root borer in sugarcane.
A systemic insecticide that is used to control pests in rice and sugarcane.
A broad-spectrum systemic insecticide of the Phenylpyrazole group that disrupts the central nervous system in insects.
A highly effective systemic insecticide that is used to control pests such as aphids, jassid and white flies in chilli, cotton, rice and vegetables.
An organic compound of the Neonicotinoid group that is a systemic insecticide used to control sucking pests.
A stomach and contact insecticide that is used to control a range of pests in a variety of crops.
A broad spectrum stomach and contact insecticide that is effective as a foliar spray to control pests in cotton.
A compound of the Oxadiazine group that is a stomach and contact insecticide used to control Lepidopteran pest.
A broad spectrum, non-systemic, post-emergence herbicide that is effective against annual, perennial grasses and broad-leaved weeds. The product is used in crops such as coffee, coconut, grapes, mango, rubber and tea.
An Isopropylamine salt of Glyphosate that is effective against annual and perennial grasses and broad-leaved weeds in tea.
A chemical compound of the Organophosphorus group that is a systemic herbicide. The product selectively controls annual broad-leaves and grasses that compete with crops.
A selective systemic post-emergence herbicide that is used to control grassy weeds in cereals, particularly wheat.
A selective systemic post-emergence herbicide that is used to control grassy weeds in wheat.
A chemical compound of the Aryloxyphenoxy propionate group that is a post-emergence herbicide. The product inhibits fatty acid synthesis and acetyl coenzyme A carboxylase. It act against grasses and shrubs.
A pre and post-emergence herbicide that is used to control broad-leaved weeds in soybean and rice.
An organic compound of the Sulfonylurea group that is a selective systemic pre and post-emergence herbicide. The product inhibits acetolactate synthase, regulating plant growth and controlling broad-leaved weeds.
A post-emergence herbicide that predominantly controls broad-leaved weeds in wheat, rice (transplanted) and sugarcane.
A post-emergence herbicide that predominantly controls broad-leaved weeds in wheat.
An organic compound of the Sulfonylurea group that is a systemic herbicide. The product has foliar and soil activity, inhibiting cell division in shoots and roots, controlling broad-leaved weeds and few annual grasses.
A selective early post-emergence herbicide that effectively controls weeds such as Phalaris minor, Chenopodium species and Melilotus alba in wheat.
An organic compound of the Sulfonylurea group that is a selective systemic herbicide. The product is absorbed through both, roots and leaves. It translocates throughout the plant and acts as an inhibitor of amino acid biosynthesis, thus stopping cell division…
A selective systemic phenoxy herbicide that is used for post-emergence control of annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds in cereals, maize, rice, sorghum, sugarcane, grassland, grass seed crops, established turf, forestry and non-crop land.
A selective systemic herbicide that is used to control a range of broad-leaved weeds in fields.
A selective systemic herbicide that is used to control a range of broad-leaved weeds in fields.
A systemic herbicide that is used to control a range of broad-leaved weeds in cereals and also on pastures.
A hormone type systemic herbicide which selectively controls a range of broad-leaved weeds by disrupting the plant cell growth.
A selective systemic herbicide used to control broad-leaved weeds by disrupting plant cell growth.
A systemic herbicide that is used to control a range of broad-leaved weeds in maize, wheat, sorghum and sugarcane.
A systemic herbicide that is used to control a range of broad-leaved weeds in maize, wheat, sorghum and sugarcane.
A systemic herbicide that is used to control a range of broad-leaved weeds in agriculture, pasture and rangeland, forest management and home gardens. The product also controls aquatic vegetation.
An organic compound and a systemic herbicide that selectively controls most broad-leaved weeds in fields.
Fresh and nutrient rich banana fruits from tissue culture raised banana plants are available throughout the year.
Fresh Barhee, Khunezi and Medjool date fruit are readily available from June to August every year. Fresh date fruit is seasonal in nature. It is a rich source of healthy fibers, minerals and vitamins, with a relatively low sugar content.
A wide range of premium date fruits such as Anbarah, Ajwah, Medjool, Safawi and Sukkary are offered. The fruit is a rich source of fibers, minerals and vitamins that help relieve painful constipation, diarrhea and other intestinal complaints.
A nutritious blend of date fruit harvested in its Kimri (unripe) stage and traditional Indian spices.
A healthy alternative prepared from fresh date fruit that can be used as a perfect spread on toast. The product is often used as a topping on cakes, confectioneries, cookies and tarts.
A thirst-quenching and refreshing beverage that can be served in chilled water or milk. The product is a healthy ingredient for fruit punches, mocktails, puddings, ice-creams and yogurts, prepared from fresh date fruit.
A nutritious snack that is prepared from fresh date fruit, without added sugar or artificial flavours.
A fine blend of fresh date fruit and spices, with a perfectly balanced sweet-sour and tangy taste. The product can be consumed along with a variety of snacks, particularly hot and spicy Indian food.
An ideal snack for children that is prepared from fresh date fruit and is sugar-coated. The product retains its nutritional value.
An ingredient that is used in ice-creams, yogurts and confectioneries, without added sugar or artificial flavours. The product is prepared from fresh date fruit.
Dehydrated crisp flakes that are prepared from date fruit, without added sugar. The product finds an application in confectioneries.
Secondary tissue culture raised banana plants with a height of 0.5 ft when planted, with at least five well developed leaves. The trees yield Grand Naine bananas which are long and cylindrical in shape, yellowish green in colour and have…
Secondary hardened tissue culture raised date palm plants with a height of 2 to 2.5 ft when planted, with at least one pinnate leaf, a well-developed collar girth and root system. The function of the male tree is to pollinate…
Secondary hardened tissue culture raised date palm plants with a height of 2 to 2.5 ft when planted, at least one pinnate leaf, a well-developed collar girth and root system. The trees yield Medjool date fruits that are ovoid and…
Secondary hardened tissue culture raised date palm plants with a height of 2 to 2.5 ft when planted, with at least one pinnate leaf, a well-developed collar girth and root system. The trees can withstand high humidity and they yield…
Secondary hardened tissue culture raised date palm plants with a height of 2 to 2.5 ft when planted, with at least one pinnate leaf, a well-developed collar girth and root system. The trees yield Khalas date fruits that are ovoid…
Secondary hardened tissue culture raised date palm plants with a height of 2 to 2.5 ft when planted, with at least one pinnate leaf, a well-developed collar girth and root system. The trees yield Barhee date fruits that are ovoid…
An aroma ingredient used in fine fragrances, home and personal care fragrances and a range of perfumery formulations. The product has a sweet, floral, anisic, balsamic, basil-like, mildly spicy and fruity odour.
Atul is participating in the Chemspec Europe 2017 in Munich (Germany). The exhibition will take place from May 31 – June 1, 2017. Aromatics cordially invites you to visit the stall and interact with the team. Booth number: N250
Aromatics Business was awarded the “Innovative supplier of the year” by Hindustan Zinc Ltd (HZL) in February, 2017. Since 2014, Atul and HZL have been in discussions regarding supplies of Sodium sulphate to HZL. Technical discussions between both parties enabled…
Aromatics successfully launched Anethole (synthetic) and para anisyl propanal, the key aromatic ingredients for the flavours and fragrances industry in January, 2017. Anethole (synthetic) finds a major application as an aroma ingredient, particularly in oral care products. Para anisyl propanal…
A white to light brown powder used as an intermediate for APIs such as Vildagliptin and Anagliptin.
A colourless to yellow liquid used as an intermediate for APIs such as Clopidogrel and Prasugrel.
An off white to cream powder used as an intermediate for APIs such as Clopidogrel and Prasugrel.
A light yellow powder used as an intermediate for Ritonavir, an API.
A white to pale yellow powder used as an intermediate for APIs like Ritonavir and Cobicistat.
A white to off white powder used as an intermediate for APIs such as Amoxicillin, Cefodroxil and Cefproxil.
A light to dark yellow liquid used as an intermediate for APIs such as Ritonavir and Cobicistat.
A clear, colourless liquid used as a solvent and reagent.
A clear, colourless to pale yellow liquid used as an intermediate for APIs.
A clear, colourless liquid used as an intermediate to manufacture pharmaceuticals.
Methyl chloroformate is a clear, colourless to pale yellow liquid used as an intermediate in APIs.
A clear, colourless liquid used as an intermediate for APIs such as Cabergoline, Naltrexone and Nalbuphine.
An off white to light yellow solid used as an intermediate for Celecoxib, an API.
A clear, colourless liquid used as an intermediate in the preparation of organic peroxides.
A clear, light brown liquid or low melting solid used as an intermediate for APIs such as Biapenem, Meropenem and Panipenem.
A light yellow to light brown liquid used as an intermediate for APIs and specialty chemicals.
A white to light brown powder used as an intermediate for Celecoxib, an API.
A white to pale yellow crystalline powder used as an intermediate for APIs.
A clear, light brown to dark brown liquid that is used as an intermediate in Azilsartan, an API.
A clear colourless liquid used as an intermediate in APIs and specialty chemicals.
A white to off white powder that is used as an intermediate in Piperacillin, an API.
An off white to white crystalline powder used as an intermediate in Piperacillin, an API.
A clear, colourless to light yellow liquid used as an intermediate in APIs.
A colourless to light-yellow liquid that is used as an intermediate in APIs.
A white to off white powder used as an intermediate for APIs such as Venlafaxine and Desvenlafaxine.
A colourless to light yellow liquid used as an intermediate in APIs.
A clear, colourless to pale yellow liquid used as an intermediate in APIs.
An off white to pale yellow powder used as an intermediate for APIs such as Ritonavir and Cobicistat.
A clear, colourless to light yellow liquid used as an intermediate in Dabigatran, an API.
An off white to light yellow powder used as an intermediate in Mirabegron, an API.
A clear, colourless to pale yellow liquid used as an intermediate in Capecitabine, an API.
A white to off white solid used as an intermediate for APIs such as Venlafaxine and Desvenlafaxine.
An off white crystalline powder used as an intermediate for APIs such as Ritonavir, Temozolomide, Efavirenz and Cobicistat.
A clear, colourless liquid used as an intermediate for APIs such as Mosapride, Nelfinavir, Phenethecillin.
A clear colourless to pale yellow liquid used as an intermediate for APIs such as Tenofovir and Ronidazole.
A clear, colourless liquid used as an intermediate for APIs such as Cefpodoxime, Ampiroxicam, Candesartan, Gabapentin and Ropinirole.
A colourless to pale yellow liquid or low melting solid used in organic synthesis to protect the amine functional group.
A colourless to light yellow solution used as an intermediate for specialty chemicals.
A clear, colourless to light yellow liquid used as an intermediate in Tenofovir, an API.
A white to primrose yellow crystal or liquid used as a dehydrating agent. The product is used in coupling amino acids in APIs and during peptite synthesis.
An off white powder used as an intermediate for APIs such as Zopiclone, Eszopiclone and Suriclone.
A clear, colourless to pale yellow liquid used as an intermediate in Gabapentin, an API.
A clear, colourless to pale yellow liquid used as an intermediate in Cefpodoxime, an API.
A colourless to pale yellow liquid used as an intermediate in the Polymer industry.
A clear, colourless liquid used as an intermediate in the Polymer industry.
A clear, colourless to pale yellow liquid used as a solvent and reagent.
A white to light brown powder used as a coupling agent in peptide synthesis and in APIs.
A white crystalline powder used as a specialty intermediate.
A clear, colourless to pale yellow or brownish liquid used as an intermediate for APIs such as Cefotiam and Candesartan.
A white to off white powder used as an intermediate for APIs such as Ritonavir, Rivastigmine and Cobicistat.
A white to off white coloured API used as an antibacterial drug.
A white to off white powder that is used as an intermediate for APIs such as Valsartan and Ritonavir.
A white to pale yellow solid used as an intermediate for Ritonavir, an API.
A white to creamish white crystalline powder used as an intermediate in Valsartan, an API.
A white to off white crystalline powder used as an intermediate for APIs such as Daclatasvir, Ledipasvir and Elbasvir.
A white to off white powder used as an intermediate in Atazanavir, an API.
A pale yellow to brown solution in toluene used as a catalyst for APIs such as Ezetimibe, Treprostinil and Aprepitant.
A white crystalline powder used as an intermediate in Valacyclovir, an API.
A white to off white powder used as an intermediate for APIs such as Valacyclovir and Valgancyclovir.
A white to off white powder used as an intermediate for APIs such as Daclatasvir and Ravidasvir.
A white to off white crystalline powder used as an intermediate for APIs such as Valacyclovir and Valganciclovir.
A basic chemical used by the Dyestuff and Chemical industry. The product is also used as a bleaching agent by the Textile and Paper industry.
A basic chemical used by the Dyestuff and Chemical industry.
A bulk chemical used in the chlorination process to manufacture intermediates. The product is also widely used as a disinfectant for water treatment.
A chemical used as a disinfectant in breweries and food factories and to bleach textile fibers. The product is also used as a solvent and to preserve foods and vegetables.
A chemical used to manufacture dye intermediates, agrochemical intermediates, water treatment chemicals and specialty chemicals.
A bulk chemical used in hydrogenation to manufacture intermediates.
A product used as a sulphonating agent in chemical reactions.
A chemical used particularly to manufacture specialty chemicals. The product also finds an application in the Dyestuff industry.
A chemical widely used by the Dyestuff, Textile and Electroplating industry.
A component used as a filler to control setting of cement.
A key intermediate used as a flavouring agent. The product is used to manufacture pi- and O-ylidic complexes with dichlorocarbene.
A key ingredient used to manufacture perfumery chemicals and as a solvent by the Pharmaceutical industry.
A key intermediate used in the formulation of hair dyes, tints and colours.
A key intermediate used to manufacture hair dyes.
An intermediate used to produce sulphates, sulphonates, sulphonyl chlorides with organic compounds like hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols and amines.
A key intermediate used to manufacture herbicides and beta blocker drugs.
An intermediate used in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, diazo dyes, UV absorbers, dry bonding agents and hair dyes.
A dry bonding agent used to improve adhesion to various synthetic tyre cords.
A dry bonding agent used to improve adhesion to various synthethic tyre cords.
A dry bonding agent used to improve adhesion to various synthethic tyre cords.
A viable alternative to caustic soda in pulping.
An aroma ingredient with a sweet, floral and balsamic fragrance.
An aroma ingredient with a sweet fragrance, creating a unique fragrance formulation.
An aroma ingredient with a pleasant, sweet and fruity fragrance.
An aroma ingredient with a sweet and floral fragrance that has cedar and camphor-like notes.
An aroma ingredient with an energising fragrance that is sweet, floral and almond-like.
A key pharmaceutical intermediate used to make anti-depressants such as Venlafaxine.
A key raw material used in a range of pharmaceuticals.
A key intermediate used in a range of applications such as floral accords, pharmaceuticals and sunscreens.
A widely used additive, particularly by the Paper, Glass, Dyestuff and Home Care industry.
A viable alternative to caustic soda in pulping.
A key intermediate in specialty fragrances.
A unique intermediate that finds an application in vinyl sulfones and food colours.
A key precursor to resins, herbicides and disinfectants.
An aroma ingredient with a sweet, cresylic and medicinal odour.
A widely used nutrient that finds a major application as a soil supplement and also as a feed additive for animals.
An insoluble black food color used in confectioneries, icing, baked goods and ice cream. The product is also known as vegetable black, carbon black, or carbo medicinalis vegetabilis. It is produced through steam activation (charring) of vegetable fibers; raw materials…
A natural color that ranges from pale yellow to amber and dark brown. The product is manufactured by controlled heating of carbohydrates from sources such as corn, wheat, and sugar cane. It is one of the oldest and most widely…
A natural green color extracted from algae and plants such as spinach, nettle and grass. The product finds an application in food items such as cheese, ice-creams, soups, preserved vegetables and fruits.
A natural color extracted from tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables such as red carrots, watermelons and papayas. The product finds an application in tomato-based foods such as soups, sauces, and jams. Apart from a colorant, it is also…
Anthocyanin is a natural pigment found widely in nature from edible fruits and vegetables such as grape, elderberry, red radish, red cabbage, blackcurrant, and black carrot. The color is pH dependent, orange-red in acid solutions and violet-blue in alkaline. The…
A deep red natural color extracted from the pod of mild capsicum (Capsicum annuum L). The product is insoluble in water and glycerin and partially soluble in ethanol. It imparts a reddish-orange hue and is used to color cheese, butter,…
An orange-red color obtained from the seeds of the Bixa Orella tree. The product is generally used as a food color but is also a good flavour enhancer. With a distinct red color, it is used as a coloring agent…
A common pigment of the carotenoids family. The product is a yellow-orange-red fat-soluble pigment found in a range of grains, plants, vegetables and fruits. It is used extensively in confectioneries, ice-creams, dairy, beverages and prepared foods.
A yellow root imparting color and flavour to food and has been used used as a color and|or spice for centuries. The bright yellow hue of the product is on account of the pigments curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin.
A black dye that provides a blackish violet shade in applications such as beverages, confectioneries, baked items, seafood and snacks.
A synthetic brown dye. The product provides a blackish brown shade in applications similar to cocoa or caramel. It is commonly used in confectioneries, baked items, dairy fat and oil, meat, seafood, snacks, dry mixes and seasonings.
A synthetic blue color often used in conjunction with Tartrazine to produce various shades of green. The product is widely used in tinned processed peas, dairy products, sweets and drinks.
An artificial red (cherry-pink) food colour. The product is commonly used in cocktails, candies, and cake-decorating gels.
A key starting material ised in the preparation of various dyestuffs such as Vat dyes and Disperse dyes.
An orange-red colour used in sweets, drinks and condiments.
A key starting material used in the preparation of various dyestuffs such as Vat dyes and Disperse dyes.
A reddish-rose color. The product is so named because its colour is similar to that of a plant called Amaranth. It finds an application in alcoholic beverages, red soft drinks, cake mixes, ice-creams, jams and jellies.
A synthetic red food color. The product is usually available as a Disodium salt. It is a red to maroon powder and is used when food is heat-treated after fermentation.
A synthetic color used in a variety of food products to impart a strawberry red color. The product is stable to light, heat, and acid but fades in the presence of Ascorbic acid
A synthetic orange color. The product is used in candies, desserts, snacks, sauces, and preserved fruits.
A synthetic lemon yellow color that is used as a self yellow, and can also be used with Brilliant Blue FCF to produce various green shades. The product finds an application in a range of processed commercial foods with an…
A non-gelling deep black, stable upto 6-7%. The product has good fastness properties.
A brilliant green pigment with good light and dry cleaning fastness properties.
A bright blue pigment used in trichromatic combinations. The product has good light, bleaching and dry cleaning fastness properties.
A standard dark navy pigment with good light, bleaching and dry cleaning fastness properties.
A brilliant violet pigment with good light and dry cleaning fastness properties.
A red pigment with trichromatic combinations for shades such as maroon and brown.
A red pigment used in trichromatic combinations.
A bright greenish blue pigment with transparent indanthrone blue with high chroma and color strength. The product has good fastness properties. It can be used in certain plastic applications.
A brilliant red pigment with good dry cleaning fastness properties.
A strong and brilliant redder orange with excellent fastness properties and high heat stability. The product is recommended for a range of applications.
A strong and brilliant perinone orange pigment with good heat resistance and good light and weathering fastness properties. It is suitable for PA film coloration
A reddish orange pigment that exhibits good light and weathering fastness properties.
A brilliant orange pigment mixed with Black NG for deep black shades.
An orange pigment with high color strength, high transparency and good all round fastness properties. The product is also used for coloration of low temperature plastics.
A brilliant orange pigment used in trichromatic combinations. The product is not to be mixed with Black NG.
A brilliant lemon yellow pigment used as a mixing component for Blue BG and Green FB for brilliant green shades. The product is temperature sensitive.
A bright transparent Pyrazolone orange pigment with good tinting strength. The product has fair light fastness properties in mass stone | deep shades and is poor in tints. In coatings, the use is limited to interior applications. It is extensively used in…
A transparent mid-shade yellow pigment with good heat stability and high color strength. The product is an ideal replacement for diarylide, Cadmium and Lead chromate pigments. It is recommended for use in a wide range of plastics including polypropylene fibers,…
A reddish yellow pigment with good light and weathering fastness properties. The product is recommended for various applications in plastics for coloration of PVC, LDPE, HDPE, PUR and Polystyrene.
A greenish yellow pigment with good heat stability. The product has good light and weathering fastness properties. It is recommended for a wide range of plastics including polyolefin, PS, PET, PVC, engineering plastics as well as spin dyeing.
A pure reddish yellow pigment with high strength, good fastness and dielectric properties. It is not recommended for processing temperatures above 200°C.
An azoic diazo component, commonly known as a fast color base. The product is used in combination with TULATHOL AS to produce maroons.
A greenish yellow pigment used in plastic applications such as polyolefin, printing on PVC films and polyurethane foams.
An economical yellow pigment with high strength.
An azoic diazo component, commonly known as a fast colour bases. The product is used in combination with TULATHOL AS to produce maroons.
An azoic diazo component, commonly known as a fast color base. The product is used in combination with TULATHOL ASBO to produce dark maroons.
An azoic diazo component, commonly known as a fast color base. The product is used in combination with TULATHOL AS to produce red shades.
An azoic diazo component, commonly known as a fast color base. The product is used in combination with TULATHOL AS to produce deep red shades.
An azoic diazo component, commonly known as a fast color bases. The product is used for all types of deep reds.
An azoic diazo component, commonly known as a fast color base. The product is used in combination with TULATHOL AS to produce deep reds.
An azoic diazo component, commonly known as a fast color base. The product is used in combination with TULATHOL AS | ASBS to produce bright and deep reds.
A blue pigment with a slightly redder tone. The product is a transparent indanthrone blue with high chroma and color strength and good fastness properties, primarily recommended for use in various coating applications. It is also recommended for automotive OEM…
A transparent bright greenish indanthrone blue pigment with high chroma and color strength. The product has good fastness properties and is primarily recommended for use in various coating applications. It is also recommended for automotive OEM and refinish shades and…
An azoic diazo component, commonly known as a fast color base. The product is used in combination with TULATHOL AS to produce bright orange shades.
A quinacridone violet pigment with good light, weathering and overspray fastness properties. The product has high tinting strength and brilliance.
An opaque bright mid-red pigment used for water-based paints, solvent paints, powder coating, industrial paints and automotive paints.
An azoic coupling component, commonly known as naphthol, that is highly recommended for very deep red shades.
A transparent bright mid-shade red pigment used for water-based paints, solvent paints, powder coating, industrial paints and automotive paints.
An azoic coupling component, commonly known as naphthol, used in combination with TULABASE to develop tomato red shades.
A blue quinacridone pigment with good fastness properties and high tinctorial strength. The product finds an application in coatings including trade sales, automotive, agricultural equipment, architectural paints and industrial finishes.
An azoic coupling component, commonly known as naphthol, particularly recommended to develop dark maroon shades when used in combination with TULABASE. The product has good light and bleaching fastness properties.
An azoic coupling component, commonly known as naphthol, that delivers a variety of shades with TULABASE.
An azoic coupling component, commonly known as naphthol, used to develop red shades when used in combination with TULABASE. The product has good light and bleaching fastness properties.
An azoic coupling component, commonly known as naphthol, that delivers deep and bright red shades with TULABASE. The product has moderate light and washing fastness properties but good bleaching fastness properties.
An azoic coupling component, commonly known as naphthol, that delivers a varieties of tones with fast bases. The product has good light and washing fastness properties.
An azoic coupling component, commonly known as naphthol. The product is used in combination with TULABASE to develop bright shades such as lemon yellow, orange and dark burgundies. It has good light, bleach and wash fastness properties.
A turquoise dye with high tinctorial strength used to develop medium to extra dark shades.
A navy dye with high tinctorial strength used to develop medium to extra dark shades.
A red dye with high tinctorial strength used to develop medium to extra deep shades.
A yellow dye with high tinctorial strength used to develop medium to extra dark shades.
A standard deep black dye with good wash-off performance. The product is suitable to produce black shades and cannot be used for grey shade areas.
A red orange pigment with high strength, good fastness properties and high heat stability. The product is used in a range of applications such as high quality industrial paints, automotive OEM paints, latex paints, water-based coatings, solvent-based coatings and metal…
An economical black dye with good all round fastness properties. The product is suitable as a high light-fast dulling component in combination with shades such as beige, brown, red, grey and black.
A brilliant red orange pigment with high strength, good fastness properties and high heat stability. The product is used in a range of applications.
A bright self green with less tinting properties.
A strong and brilliant perinone orange pigment with good weathering and overspray fastness properties. The product has high tinting strength and brilliance.
A bright turquoise with good build-up properties.
A red benzimidazolone pigment extensively used by the Paint industry for agricultural equipment, general industrial applications and colorants.
A standard navy dye with good perspiration fastness properties.
A bright strong diarylide orange pigment with modified particle size to gain high opacity, improved light fastness and flow properties. The product is extensively used in high-grade industrial paints, implement enamels, agricultural equipment and powder coatings.
A brilliant navy blue dye with good build-up and light fastness properties.
A transparent Pyrazolone orange pigment with excellent tinting strength and purity. The product has fair light fastness properties in deep shades and is poor in tints. In coatings, the use is limited for interior applications.
A brilliant blue dye with good light fastness properties and wash-off performance. The product is suitable to achieve bright shades.
A medium yellow shade pigment with good light and weathering fastness properties. The product is suitable for use in all concentration ranges, down to very pale pastel shades and as a shading pigment.
A reddish yellow pigment with excellent opacity and light fastness properties in deep shades. The product is recommended for general industrial coatings where good rheology and opacity is required. It may also be used in combination with inorganics as a…
A greenish blue dye with good fastness properties.
A brilliant violet dye with good build-up and excellent light and wet fastness properties.
A yellowish brown dye with good fastness properties.
An opaque green pigment that appears yellow with low viscosity in liquid systems. The product has excellent light and weathering fastness properties. It exhibits high hiding power and good dispensability. It is recommended for a wide range of coating applications including…
A transparent reddish yellow pigment with high strength and purity. The product has excellent fastness and dielectric properties.
An economical brown dye used to develop dark brown shades.
A bright red shade with excellent wash-off behavior. The product is used in printing.
A bright bluish red shade with good build-up properties.
A brilliant yellowish red dye with good dischargeability.
A yellow pigment with good light and weathering fastness properties. The product has excellent hiding power as an organic pigment. It is suitable to produce intense opaque yellow shades used in lead-free or low-lead paints; it is also used in…
A bright orange dye with good light and washing fastness properties.
An attractive bright orange dye with good wash-off performance. The product has good reproducibility on cotton and viscose rayon.
A golden yellow dye with high solubility and easy wash-off properties. The product is suitable as an illuminant in reactive resist printing.
A bright lemon yellow dye with good build-up and excellent light and wet fastness properties.
A brilliant lemon yellow dye used in combination with Blue P-3R and Turquoise P-GR for brilliant green shades.
A blue dye with good dischargeability and fastness properties. The product is used in trichromatic combinations.
A bright turquoise dye used to develop turquoise and parrot green shades in combination with TULAREVS Supra Yellow F-4G.
A red dye with excellent fastness and wash off properties. The product is used in trichromatic combinations.
A golden yellow dye with outstanding build-up, excellent light and wet fastness properties. The product is used in trichromatic combinations.
A black dye with good exhaustion, build-up and level dyeing performance. The product is compatible with other DERMAT blacks on different tanning systems.
A reddish black dye with good dischargeability and excellent fastness properties. The product is used to develop reddish black shades.
A reddish dark brown dye used for deep shades. The product is metal free. It is used for finished nubuck and suede shoe uppers and finished upholstery leather.
A greenish black dye with good dischargeability and excellent fastness properties. The product is used to develop greenish black shades.
A neutral bordeaux dye used for all types of upholstery leather and leather garments.
A medium blue dye used for brilliant blue and turquoise shades. The product is recommended for use in all types of shoe uppers, leather garments, upholstery and automotive leather.
A fiery yellowish red metal free dye used for upholstery leather.
A slightly reddish brown dye. The product is metal free. It is particularly recommended for finished leather garments.
A yellowish brown dye recommended for all types of aniline leather. The product is used for shoe uppers, upholstery leather and leather garments.
A reddish brown dye. The product is recommended for finished shoe uppers and nubuck leather.
A yellowish, dark brown iron-complex dye. The product is recommended for all types of shoe uppers, upholstery leather and leather garments.
A reddish dark brown dye for deep shades. The product is metal free. It is used in finished, nubuck and suede shoe uppers and finished upholstery leather.
A yellowish brown iron complex used as a tinting dye to improve the light fastness of all types of shoe uppers, leather garments, upholstery and automotive leather.
A turquoise blue dye used for dyeing leather. The product is recommended for use in all types of shoe uppers, leather garments, upholstery and automotive leather.
A standard black dye with excellent fastness properties. The product is used to develop deep neutral black shades.
A navy blue dye used for deep shades. The product is metal free. It is recommended for use in all types of shoe uppers, leather garments, upholstery and automotive leather.
A standard navy dye used to develop economical navy and black shades.
A trichromatic dischargeable navy dye used to develop medium to dark shades with excellent fastness properties.
A reddish orange dye with good fastness properties. The product is recommended for use in all types of shoe uppers, leather garments, upholstery and automotive leather.
A reddish blue dye used to develop bright royal blue shades.
A blue dye with good fastness properties. The product is used in trichromatic combinations.
An economical deep red dye with good dischargeability and fastness properties. The product is used to develop medium to deep combination shades.
An economical black dye. The product is recommended for use in all types of shoe uppers, leather garments, upholstery and automotive leather.
A bright orange dye used to develop bright orange, red and scarlet shades.
A greenish black dye with high tinctorial strength. The product has excellent solubility that leads to dyeing with less float. It has superior build-up and exhaustion properties, providing improved color yield and less effluent load.
A brilliant yellow dye used to develop bright yellow and green shades.
A reddish black dye with high tinctorial strength. The product has good all round fastness properties including alkaline and wet crocking fastness. It is recommended for use in all types of shoe uppers, leather garments, upholstery and automotive leather.
A bright greenish blue dye used to develop royal blue to bright green shades.
A reddish yellow dye with good light fastness properties. The product is used in trichromatic combinations.
A black dye with good all round fastness properties including alkaline and wet crocking fastness. The product is highly recommended for different types of leather by using various dyeing techniques to produce jet-black shades.
A bright dye with high tinctorial strength used to develop bright turquoise and parrot green shades. The product has low salt solubility.